Hand dryer technology has seen incredible advancements over the last few years. They are now more powerful, more hygienic and more efficient than ever. But what about the commonly raised issue of noise?
There is no doubt that the modern hand dryer is a long way removed from the old inefficient push button fare previously found in pubs. Modern editions now have a vast list of desirable features. From £5 annual running costs to HEPA filters that eradicate a large amount of harmful airborne bacteria before using this purified air to dry your hands, current models generally provide a great experience to user’s and customers alike. Indeed, the 12 second dry time that most of the market boasts as standard is enough of a selling point in and of itself.

However, these improvements don’t seem to have addressed the issue of noise. Many commenters have found decibel levels reaching the harmful 100db peak [1] when used in situ. While it is unlikely that someone would use these dryers for the 15 minutes required to cause hearing damage, touching this three-figure threshold means people with pre-existing hearing conditions or problems with processing noise may be adversely affected, as well as the dryers simply being unnecessarily loud. With supermarkets now offering “quiet hours” for those who struggle when confronted with high decibel levels [2] the modern washroom must follow suit.
Although many dryers hover around the 70db mark, often this reduction comes at the expense of slower dry times [3] . Other retailers list 69db as quiet but only with an elongated 25 second dry time, around double the standard dry time of our range. While many Initial dryers strike a healthy balance between volume and efficacy, we are always striving to find ways to improve on the things that our customers care about: quick dry times, hygiene, energy efficiency and quieter dryers.
The Solution
In conjunction with Veltia, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Fusion model. With its patented Acoustic Dampening System, the Fusion manages to operate at 66DB while maintaining a 12 second dry time; perfectly balancing noise level and strength. Add in the HEPA filter which removes harmful bacteria from the ambient air before drying your hands with purified air to optimise hygiene as well as the option for a fragrancing system that emits a pleasant odour as it dries your hands and the Fusion really emerges as the perfect addition to the modern washroom.
So if you’re looking to tackle the issue of overly noisy dryers while maintaining the power and hygiene of modern dryers, then look no further than the Fusion.
For more information please feel free to contact us or call us on 0800 313 4972, and we will be more than happy to help.
[1] http://www.hearingreview.com/2015/10/news-report-exposes-harmful-noise-levels-modern-hand-dryers/
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