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Government guidance advises that businesses provide simple hygiene instructions to help keep people safe. We are pleased to offer a range of clear signage and signage mats to help you create good hygiene practices. It’s not easy to change people’s habits, but our products can help to remind people how to stay safe on your site.
Posters - Our engaging posters come in a range of designs, including primary school specific posters to engage children with hygiene practices. All of our clear, attention grabbing designs provide crucial instructions in a simple way.
Backboards - As our versatile top up dispensers can house either hand sanitiser, soap or surface disinfectant, it is important to ensure people properly use them. Our backboards fit around our dispensers and feature a range of attention grabbing designs, including school specific options.
Our ‘hands-free’ sanitary bins eliminate the need to come into contact with the feminine hygiene unit. Simply wave your hand over the sensor to activate.
Inform your customers about your site’s hygiene measures with our stickers.
Whether you want to advertise contactless sanitary waste disposal or display information about where and when people should sanitise their hands, our stickers can help you to get your message across.
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